Creative minds look for a solution in the face of needs. The emergence of Wallex exchange is no exception to this rule. In recent years, cryptocurrencies have become an important part of our economic and social life.
For some it is a platform for investment, for others it is a platform to cross the usual borders and make economic and social connections with people from all over the world, but for everyone who wants to enter this world, whether it is for profit and investment or for art and games, the world of cryptocurrencies is an opportunity for the future.
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An Opportunity for Growth and Investment
In Iran, bitcoin fever, mining, etc., a special and unique opportunity for growth and investment, has been widely spreading, and day by day more people are becoming aware of it and more users are entering different areas of this world.
Nowadays, it seems easy to enter this world or buy a cryptocurrency from an Iranian online exchange and have a wallet, but three or four years ago, this was not possible in such a wide, professional and reliable way.
Then, a group of students from Sharif University of Technology and Tehran University thought of establishing an Iranian digital currency exchange to meet the needs of the Iranian clinets.
Wallex and the World of Cryptocurrencies
From the anonymous Satoshi Nakumoto to Vitaly Buterin, cryptocurrency creators have aimed to create growth and development opportunities for all.
However, in Iran, various issues such as sanctions, lack of access to the global banking network, and lack of service by non-Iranian digital currency exchanges have left many Iranians unable to take advantage of these opportunities.

On the other hand, profiteers also have always exploited these conditions. As a result, the use of cryptocurrencies in previous years was limited to either those with highly specialised information or the ability to access a digital currency exchange outside Iran’s borders, which meant high risk for them.
However, Valx has entered this market to fulfil the same promise of the crypto world, which is “opportunity for all.”
The History of Wallex
In 2017, a group of students from Sharif College of Technology and Tehran College took the first step towards establishing a digital currency trading platform, or rather, a secure Iranian exchange. They intended to provide all the necessary facilities for all Iranians, whether they are professional traders and consider this a permanent economic activity, or those who want to enter this world for savings and investing or for discovery and education.
According to Wallex’s founders, such a platform could help its users operate in an official, legal, and secure market where everything is clear, rather than in an informal market. The original core of the Wallex digital currency exchange was formed by a small group of several people, but building and expanding an Iranian online exchange is a large and extensive project that is constantly growing.
It did not take long for this Iranian exchange to become a team of several hundred people, a team composed of smaller teams, each of which specializes in different areas and is on the cutting edge of addressing three important aspects: recognizing the changes and the emergence of new opportunities in this field, recognizing the needs of the Iranian clients at different trading levels, and creating appropriate and sustainable solutions to meet those needs.
In this way, Wallex will always be recognized as one of the top players in this industry and a safe Iranian exchange.
On the list of best digital currency exchanges in the Middle East
Although Wallex was established only about four years ago, its continuous movement has allowed it to come a long way in a short period of time, placing it alongside the top digital currency exchanges in the Middle East and even beyond Iran.
Wallex is one of the leading Iranian exchanges that have been able to multiply the number of its users during its operation. This growth is not only limited to the number of users, this digital currency exchange has also seen a significant increase in the number of transactions and working capital.
Wallex: an Advanced and Secure Exchange
Security and speed are two important features in blockchain-based activities. With this in mind, Wallex is continuously adding new tools and services to its product portfolio, in addition to updating its infrastructure. Every digital currency exchange starts by adding multiple markets, a secure wallet, and a platform for trading.
The emergence of the Wallex exchange was also associated with such approaches, but it was not limited to them. By identifying new events, new markets and new projects, Wallex has expanded its markets during these years on the one hand, and on the other hand, by adding professional facilities and tools, it has tried to provide clients with a modern and secure experience at different levels.
Perhaps this is the reason why Wallex is always among the top exchanges on the market and popular among users. Moreover, with the emergence of new features based on the blockchain, such as the emergence of NFT, DeFi projects, and income-generating games, this digital exchange has sought to provide Iranians with the necessary areas and facilities, such as access to the needed tokens .
By this, Wallex has enabled Iranian clients to take advantage of these opportunities to develop their businesses and individual and collective capital, along with other crypto clients in advanced countries.
The Idea of Forming Wallex Trading Platform
Another notable aspect of this brand since its inception has been its attention to education and awareness. The idea of establishing an Iranian trading platform was also born out of this education and awareness.
Beyond a digital currency exchange, Wallex has always tried not only to serve its clients, but also to inform and educate them about the dimensions of this new world and make them professional and effective players in the crypto world.
In addition to technical standards, Wallex as a brand has also strived to grow and evolve, maintaining effective and dynamic communication with its clients. After all, continuous growth and development depend on constant interaction with clients.
From this perspective, Wallex can identify its clients’ new needs or provide services that are compatible with and responsive to their current needs, and in other words, play the role of a secure Iranian exchange for genuine and legal clinents.
Concluding Remarks
Wallex is still in its infancy, and this Iranian digital currency exchange, while coming on the scene to respond to an internal need and realize Iranians’ access to the cryptocurrency market, has set itself other goals.
Wallex is now known in the Middle East as one of the successful examples of an Iranian online digital currency and blockchain exchange that is continuously expanding its boundaries to serve global citizens beyond its geographical borders. A global digital currency exchange for global citizens!
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