Cryptocurrency: What is the idea behind these digital money systems?
In 2008, a person or group of people published the Bitcoin whitepaper under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and thus paved the way for cryptocurrency. To this day, no one knows who is behind this pseudonym and therefore behind the idea of this revolutionary digital payment method.
For many people, cryptocurrencies remains an equally obscure concept even though, almost a decade after the emergence of Bitcoin, there are more than 2,000 suppliers offering these digital payment systems, as shown by the impressive list on the CoinMarketCap online portal.
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What is a cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency (also called crypto device or crypto-active) is a digital payment method generally based on blockchain technology and cryptographic procedures such as hash functions and digital signatures. Unlike traditional currencies, cryptomones do not have coins or notes, all payment units being exclusively digital.
These usually asymmetrically encrypted currency units are generated collectively by the entire system and in most cases, a fixed unit ceiling is defined upon launch of the cryptocurrency. The term “mining” has emerged to describe the process of issuing these units, which explains why we sometimes hear about “cryptomone mining”.
Why SEO for Crypto?
According to a research conduct on top 3 crypto projects, almost 60% of total traffics comes from search engine.

Whatever your activity related to cryptocurrency: broker, trading site, sales site or portfolio this blockchain marketing company will help you get more organic traffic. Since the ban on paid advertising for crypto, qualified SEO traffic (from referencing) is now the main driver of growth, sales and customer acquisition for any site related to cryptocurrency.
This is how white hat crypto SEO agencies or digital marketing agency takes the initiative to find how to do SEO for cryptocurrency project.
What is Crypto SEO?
The cryptocurrency industry has made significant changes in the business world. Many traditional business strategies, marketing campaigns, and financial structures have been made obsolete or obsolete by new cryptographic technologies.
Overall, the cryptocurrency market is growing exponentially. This represents a huge capitalization opportunity and a new way of doing business around the world.
“SEO for Cryptocurrency” is the combination of both worlds: the cryptocurrency sector (broker, exchanges, vendors or portfolios or any activity related to digital currency) and the SEO digital marketing strategy (Search Engine Optimization).
SEO for cryptocurrency companies or websites will bring more sustainable results in the medium and long term by focusing on organic traffic – the most qualified and converted traffic for your business and the behavior of your customers online.
Crypto Onpage and Off-page SEO Tips
On-page tips to optimise your Crypto project SEO:
- Titles
- Intros and Conclusions
- Text and paragraph length
- Meta Description
- Images
- Tables of Contents
- Slugs
- Internal Linking
Off-page tips to optimise your Crypto project:
- Link Building
- Digital Public Relations
- Guest Posting
- Interviews and Podcasts
- Infographics and Illustrations
Crypto SEO Strategies To Get Maximum Result
- Keyword Research for crypto project.
- Crypto Projects Competitor Research
- Content Writing for crypto project.
- Crypto Onpage SEO
- Crypto Offpage SEO
- Outreach and Link Building for crypto project.
- Regularly Update the content for crypto project.
Why is Crypto SEO necessary?

As you may already know, the biggest players in the digital industry have banned all advertising related to crypto-currencies and ICOs. It is extremely difficult for companies to make themselves known in a conventional way or with more traditional digital marketing techniques.
Since January 2018, Facebook has banned all advertising for cryptocurrency and ICOs because, according to them, they are “frequently associated with deceptive or intentional male practices”.
Then, in March, Google also announced a ban on paid advertising for crypto moneys that came into effect in June on all its platforms (YouTube, etc.). In addition, Snapchat, Twitter and MailChimp also followed the same approach. Finally, Reddit had banned crypto-currency ads since 2016.
This means that, currently, if you are interested in advertising a crypto-currency start (ICO) or a new website related to crypto, your options are reduced…
That’s why we have developed a service dedicated to the crypto industry! Crypto SEO will allow you to make your website appear higher on search results pages and thus gain more online visibility and therefore more traffic and customers! Crypto SEO is the best solution to counter the negative effects of the ban on paid advertising on the main digital platforms.
Kaizen Crypto SEO Services
We’re not experts but we learn on regular basis that make us better option for our customer when it comes to crypto SEO services:
- Link-Building
- Guest Posting
- On-Page Crypto SEO Services
- Off-Page Crypto SEO Services
- Keyword Research
How Can We Generate More Sales With Crypto SEO?

We follow a well-defined process to help you increase your organic traffic, sales and return on investment (ROI) objectives for your cryptocurrency-related website:
Crypto Keyword Search
The necessary first step in any successful Crypto SEO strategy is to understand the keywords used by your target audience when they search for your online services.
Structure of a Cryptocurrency-Site
This is the way the pages of your cryptocurrency site are organized and structured. This is an important SEO factor because the crypto-currency site tends to have much more technical information than a “normal” website which can be scary for crypto beginners.
Content Optimization
We analyze and adapt your content to attract customers and search engines. The content of your crypto site must represent relevant keywords related to what you are selling.
Crypto Netlinking
This is the most effective way to get authority and positions for your cryptocurrency site. We will create your link profile within your industry to increase the popularity of your site and get better positions to get more traffic and sales.
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