These days, when you hear the word marketing, it will be in no doubt that all the possible digital platforms will come in your mind first.
This scenario is the same when you search for any marketing related online; all digital marketing strategies and channels show up.
However, many tend to forget that before the digital landscape clamor took over, many lean toward traditional marketing for their brand promotions and business growth.
Though there is no question that online tactics have overtaken the more traditional methods of promoting your business, offline marketing can still bring good numbers at the table and help improve your business bottom line.
While it is true that nothing beats digital marketing strategies when it comes to effectiveness and targeted reach, you can still lean on traditional marketing to widen your scope and improve brand awareness.
Table of Contents
Traditional Marketing Definition
Traditional marketing definition is very easy, it also called offline marketing, traditional marketing refers to any promotional activity you do without the help of the internet.
It is carried out in offline platforms like television, billboard, radio ads, newspaper, SMS marketing, events, and many more.

Many companies, especially established enterprises, still utilize this type of advertising, and they have the right reason.
Traditional marketing is still very much alive, thriving, and even produces results these days.
Though many marketers assumed that traditional marketing would no longer matter, it did not happen.
Facts About Traditional Marketing:-
80% of people says they watch on television.
40% of people says they try a new business for the first time because of billboard advertising.
60% of people find news papers to be the most trustworthy type of marketing.
40% of people visit a brand’s website after receiving a promotional SMS.
Advantages of Traditional Marketing

Using traditional marketing to promote your brand or business still proves to be a practical move.
Though it may only rank second with digital marketing, incorporating traditional marketing still have numerous advantages.
• Brand Recognition
As your ad placement plays on a television channel every day, or as people pass by your billboard every time they go to the grocery, they can develop a sense of familiarity with your brand.
This familiarity will lead them to recognize your brand, even with just your brand color or theme.
When this happens, you don’t need much effort to urge them to try your brand or a particular product that you offer.
• Much Easier To Recall
Since you have already established familiarity with your customers through billboards, radio ads, or television placement, it will be easier to recall your brand.
If they need your service or if they want to purchase their product, they do not have to reach for their phone or connect to the internet to just look for you.
• Reuse Of Marketing Materials
Another advantage of doing traditional marketing is how your potential customers deal with your offline marketing materials.
While it is a bit costly on your part than your digital marketing materials, you can maximize hard copies like flyers, pamphlets, posters, and brochures.
Customers can keep your advertising material and reuse it anytime they need even without connecting to the internet.
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The Future Of Traditional Marketing As Part Of Your Promotional Activities

1. Use of Online Analytics For Your Traditional Approach
One of the essential benefits of digital marketing has given many marketers and business owners are the ability to get accurate demographics from your customers.
These analytics can help you come up with a more strategic approach and adjust your promotional strategy to your target audience.

The same goes with your traditional marketing activities. The use of analytics can be a great way to come with a more targeted approach without the need for the internet.
The significant amount of data you have will help you determine who your customers are, where they are located, their preferences, and their interests.
It can help you strengthen your offline marketing outreach by producing a more targeted billboard material or a television commercial that will capture your target market’s attention.
Since you have an idea who your possible customers are, your offline materials will be more specific to your potential customer’s preferences, making it more effective.
2. Expand Your Different Market Segment Capture
Digital marketing is only as strong as it gets when an internet connection is available.
However, for places that do not have an efficient connection or for people who are not tech-savvy, online marketing approach struggles.
To ensure that you target all market segments, you can use traditional marketing strategies like fliers, brochures, or other print ads to target your potential audience.
It is also beneficial for your older audience like retirees who find the internet and digital platforms overwhelming.
They can be your valuable audience as they have more time at hand and resources to make a purchasing decision quickly.
3. Omni-Channel or Cross-Channel Marketing
Studies show that despite the convenience of online shopping, not everyone strictly goes online shopping.
About 70% of consumers go from online platforms to a brick and mortar store passing through different sales funnel, either online or offline.
To make it a seamless experience for your target audience, you can create an Omnichannel or cross-channel strategy that can incorporate both digital and traditional marketing.
Omni-channel is one of the biggest trends this year and will continue to be in the future.

As your customers find you online, they can check your offering and place their initial order over the internet.
Once received, you can send them a text or place a call to confirm their order, which they can pick up in your brick and mortar store.
For your existing customers, you can create an exclusive discount and send a text m blast to all your customers that contain a link to your website or promo page.
Once they access the link, they can then place their order online, which they can pick up in store.
This cross-channel marketing is an essential part of your business as it can provide a positive experience to your clients.
4. Aid To Make A Strong Digital Campaign
As more and more brands begin to lean toward digital marketing campaigns these days, the internet has become a massive arena for companies trying to outdo each other and stand out among the rest.
To make you distinct from competing brands, merge your digital marketing efforts with traditional marketing tactics.

A sample of these includes leveraging on television ads and create a connection to your uploaded videos on different video-sharing platforms.
You can make your promotional activity unique by integrating augmented reality with your flyers or brochure and developing an app that your target audience can download that will interact on a printed object on your hard copies.
Though this may sound a bit complicated and a bit expensive, if you do it right, you can be the talk of the town and rise above the competition.
Final Thoughts
Digital marketing is undeniably an essential part of your promotional activity.
However, you cannot disregard the potential of traditional marketing. It can still give you a considerable amount of positive results that can help your business survive.
Marry different digital marketing tactics with traditional marketing strategies to get better results and reach your marketing objectives.
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